Beautiful Angels

Beautiful Angels

Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Free eBook and Videos About Angels

Here you will find a couple videos I have compiled about angels and you can even request my free eBook.  It is pretty old now but still good info nonetheless.  Please enjoy...

This is a slide show with real angels caught on camera.
This is a slide show of beautiful angel images.

Angels with butterflies...beautiful images!

Angels among us bookcover  This is a free eBook about 47 pages in length with a compilation of information taken from several books and websites describing the best information I have found about angels.  To receive your free copy click this link Request FREE eBook!  I will send you the PDF file to download.  Just be sure to tell me you want your free copy.  email:


What does it mean when you see angels in your dreams?

Angels may choose to come to you in your dreams.  Their appearance may be because they have a message to give you which you have not been able to hear while awake or because you invited them into your dreams by asking to speak with them as you fell asleep.  If they gave you no clear message in your dream then how they appeared in the dream has significance.  Angels are there for protection as well as bringing a message of peace and well-being.

To understand the meaning of seeing angels or an angel in your dream it is important to pay attention to any message they might be saying to you or if they are not saying something then pay attention to how they appeared, what surrounded them, were they ascending or descending, etc.  If they were carrying a scroll be sure to pay attention to what was written. If their message does appear on a scroll this means the dream is highly spiritual and the message is extremely important to your spiritual growth. Remember to pay attention to how they made you feel.  How many angels were there?

Usually angels in your dream symbolize protection, comfort, consolation, goodness and purity.   If they are there to offer guidance then you should feel a sense of security and calm.  This feeling should make it easier for you to hear their message to you.  If you do heed their message it should bring you greater happiness and fulfillment in your life.  At least after awaking from this dream the positive feeling you got from the dream should linger.

There is a significance to the number of angels you saw in your dream.  If there were three angels it usually signifies it is a dream of spirituality and holiness.  It probably means you are growing spiritually and your consciousness is being elevated.  

 In your daily life if you are struggling or carrying negative feelings and thoughts throughout the day the appearance of an angel in your dream is probably their intent to warn you that your present negative state of thought is causing harm to you and they want you to release hurt and let the love of God flood your thoughts.  In this way you will change your outward experience.

  This then would be their message to you.  "Life is too short to argue and fight with the past.  Count your blessings, value your loved ones and move on with your head held high."  Remember it is not what happens to you that matters but how you handle what happens.  God knows the intent of your heart.  Keep your mind and heart straight before God.

If you see yourself as an angel in your dream it does not indicate that you are dying or will die soon.  It means you have done something really good or said something especially kind and it has left you feeling very good about yourself.  It has left you feeling 'angelic'.

Should you see the 'angel of death' in your dream it is a rather scary dream but it does not mean you are being warned that you will die soon.  It means rather that there is or will be an abrupt end to something in your waking life experience like the end of a bad habit or some unpleasant situation or maybe a relationship.  It is usually about some kind of feeling that you have either rejected or repressed.  Once this feeling is dealt with your negative experience will come to an end.  So, seeing the 'angel of death' may be a good thing for you.
If an angel has black wings it may just be an indication that your life is a black slate and is therefore full of possibilities.  Black wings could indicate your inward emotions are unknown to you or that you are worried about something.  Here is where paying attention to how the dream made you feel is important.  If the dream made you feel happy or content in any way then it was a spiritual dream indicating your spiritual awareness.  

One final thought here is that if the angel or angels in your dream were descending from heaven it most likely means they are trying to reach you with a message.  If they were ascending to the heavens and especially if they wanted you to follow it means you are growing spiritually or that you need to pay special attention to your spiritual growth.  It is about lofty desires and your ability to rise above any situation.


Looking for inspiration or reconciliation?  Check out this amazing archangel...Gabriel

Gabriel is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. He’s known for bearing good news of Jesus’ coming birth, but his first biblical appearance is in Daniel 8:16, when he is told to explain a vision to the prophet.
In all three appearances, Gabriel was met with fear, and he had to begin his conversations with words of comfort and cheer for Daniel, Zechariah, and Mary. It is possible that Gabriel was also the angel that appeared to Joseph in Matthew 1:20, but this is not certain, since that angel is unnamed in Scripture. What we do know is that Gabriel is one of God’s good and holy angels. He has a favored position as an angel who “stands in the presence of God” (Luke 1:19), and he was selected to deliver important messages of God’s particular love and favor to individuals chosen to be part of God’s plan.
Author Richard Webster writes in his book Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation that, "Gabriel aids visions, and can also help you get glimpses of the future." Webster adds: "You can call on Gabriel for help whenever you feel downhearted, need to overcome doubt and fear, or desire guidance, inspiration, intuition, or purification."

Even though Biblical accounts of Archangel Gabriel tell of his visits as very traumatizing to the recipient, he is known to be an angel who inspires and likes to appear in dreams to offer important messages.  

In their book Dreaming With the Archangels: A Spiritual Guide to Dream Journeying, Linda and Peter Miller-Russo write that archangel Gabriel and other archangels may work during your dreams to help you solve problems if you invite them to do so before going to sleep: "You should awaken with a dream-world memory that contains the solution (or a seed to the solution) to your problem. Sometimes you will not remember having a dream at all. Yet the answer to the problem will come to your conscious awareness later in the day."
Although this angel has appeared to people in both male and female form, Gabriel is predominantly male energy.  He is white light but is reported to appear with a copper light surrounding him. In the bible he was described as being surrounded by fire.  Pictures of him often show him with a large copper trumpet which symbolizes he is the bearer of important messages. 

Archangel Gabriel is however, known as the angel of water.  Emoto suggests in his book The Secret Life of Water: "If you find yourself feeling down, overwhelmed by the daily grind, or offended by an unkind word or act, then I suggest you try something: simply look at water. ... you will discover that water takes you to another world where you will feel the water within you being washed clean ... it will heal you at your core."  Being that Gabriel comes to those who ask for clarity in the dream state, it is suggested that a way to invite him to send messages of guidance through your dreams is by drinking water before sleep.   
Webster suggests in Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation that people "drink water that has been blessed by Gabriel" by exposing a glass of water to the moon's direct rays for at least one hour, then praying over it while facing the moon and holding the glass. By doing so, Webster writes, people can "send Gabriel's energies to every cell" of their bodies.  This is an interesting concept.  


Have health problems?  Check out Archangel Raphael...

Archangel Raphael is also called "The Guardian Angel of Humanity".  Raphael is the angel of healing.  This healing is not only for physical healing but for emotional and spiritual problems as well.  
When you or a loved one is ill, if you call on the angels for help, this is the angel that will come to your aid.  He will stand by the bed of those who are ailing and when this happens you can be sure you or your loved one will recover.  

According to John 5: 2-4 there was a pool known for it's healing properties.  When the waters were troubled the first person to step into the water would be healed of whatever ailment they suffered.  "2 Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda,[a] having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had.[b]"  It is believed that Archangel Raphael was the angel who troubled the waters and caused the miraculous healing properties of the pool.  

The color associated with this angel is green.  This is the color that vibrates to the healing energies so if you become aware of the color green around you it is most likely Archangel Raphael watching over you or your loved ones.  This is considered the 'green emerald light of healing'.  The callus is the representation of the angel of healing.  Many people have reported seeing flashes or sparkles of green light.  This is because Raphael wants you to know you are not going through this alone and it is his way of bringing you comfort.

One of the ways Raphael is known to help those who have serious health issues is to orchestrate the gathering of the best medical technicians for the condition.  Having the best physician for the ailment is really half the battle, don't you agree?  
Archangel Raphael is also known to have a wonderful sense of humor.  I am not sure how this helps when you are very ill but he does also help with the healing of relationships and the mending of broken hearts.  Some have called him a travelers companion, the angel who supports you while you journey.  It is good to know you have a compassionate and knowledgeable angel who follows you as you travel, especially these days.

Another common belief is that Archangel Raphael is the angel who helped Noah with the knowledge he needed to build the ark.  Interesting, yes?

The archangels are reported to be big in stature, filled with compassion and wisdom and seem to be most beautiful of all angels.  To call on Archangel Raphael here is a prayer you might use...

Expecting a miracle is always a necessary element in experiencing a healing miracle for yourself or your loved one.
"Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for your miraculous intervention and healing energy, which has restored the health of (name the person)."

Acceptance is also a very necessary element in experiencing healing. If you cannot receive healing it will never be yours.
"Dear God and Archangel Raphael, please help me accept that everything is going in the right direction."

When it comes to sobriety or any type of addiction, especially one of a chemical nature, everyone needs as much help as they can get.  Do not hesitate to call on Raphael for help.  
"Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for adjusting my cravings in healthful directions so that I only desire life-affirming foods and beverages."


One of the most beautiful angels...Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is considered the elder of all Spirit Beings or angels of God.  He was known to be the elder brother of Satan who was the second Archangel God created and he raised Satan.  It was also Michael who overcame Satan when he turned against God.  So it is reported.  Archangel Michael is in charge of all Guardian angels and of those who offer comfort and support.  He is known as a warrior angel possessing great strength and compassion who fights for truth, justice, integrity and is chiefly concerned with protection and courage.  In great times of danger and turmoil Archangel Michael is at the ready to come to your aid but you much ask for his help.  Angels, even those who are in charge of other angels, are not allowed to interfere with human will.  While you are here on the earthly plane your will is your gift from God.  With the ability to exercise human will you are a co-creator of your own existence.  This makes your earthly experience a fast-track to the growth of your soul.  

Archangel Michael is associated with the color deep purple.  If you become aware of this color around you it means this angel is near.  The countenance of this angel is not only one of great grace and beauty exuding a presence of strength and compassion but is one with extremely high vibration so that he appears to radiate.  Those who have had personal encounters with Archangel Michael say he is more like a friend than an ominous being.  His strength comes through as the 'great protector' rather than a superior being of great power.  Praying to God for help in times of great peril will most certainly bring Archangel Michael to your side.

Archangel Michael is always there to offer words of comfort and deals with the realm of your thoughts.  He will assist you in finding your path in life and offer his undying love and protection.  If you do a search on the Internet for messages from Saint Michael, you will find dozens of recorded prayers and words of wisdom from this angel.  The following are a few that I thought were most helpful.


ARCHANGELS IN CHARGE...Here are the most commonly accepted facts about the archangel Ariel...

Of the Archangels, Ariel is maybe one of the most interesting.  The following is a collection of data that I have gathered from the Internet and different books.  Ariel appears sometimes in male form but is primarily female energy. 

Archangel Ariel is associated with the crystal Rose Quartz because this is the vibration of this angel.  Colors vibrate at different rates and pink is how Ariel vibrates so if you see pink around you then you are getting a glimpse of Ariel.  Ariel is also associated with nature.  She is the nurturer of all things in nature from the earth itself and it's vegetation to the animals on the earth.  Ariel literally means, "lion of God" so Ariel watches over animals.  Jean Barker in her book "The Angel Whisperedwrites,  "Ariel and her earth angels can help us understand the natural rhythms of the earth and to experience the magical healing properties of rocks, trees, and plants. She also works to help heal and look after all animals, especially those who live in water."

Archangel Ariel has the charge over nature and it is her job to protect animals and plants alike.  Part of her commission is to use the bounty and beauty of nature and the gentleness of animals to inspire mankind.  With this inspiration mankind is then more likely to take better care of planet earth and the plants and animals who dwell thereon.  According to the angel cards Archangel Ariel offers her guidance of strength and grace through kindness, self-confidence and forgiveness.  This means that if you find yourself seeking God's Grace or are in need of finding strength, calling on Ariel to come to your aid is a logical choice.  Finding the ability to forgive and let go is always a difficult task.  Try asking Archangel Ariel to help you reach true forgiveness.  Keep in mind that forgiveness is always about forgiving yourself and not about someone else.  

The angel cards also associate Archangel Ariel with prosperity.  The angel's message about prosperity is, "Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality."  Ariel can help you make a wide variety of different types of discoveries, including: "revelatory perception,psychic abilities, discovery of hidden treasures, discovery of nature's secrets, acknowledgement, gratitude, subtlety, discretion, bearer of new ideas, inventor, revelatory dreams and meditations, clairvoyance,clairaudience, clairsentience, [and] discovery of philosophical secrets that lead to the reorientation of one's life," write Kaya and Christiane Muller in their book The Book of Angels: Dreams, Signs, Meditation: The Hidden Secrets.

In his book The Angel Whisperer: Incredible Stories of Hope and Love from the Angels Kyle Gray calls Ariel "a courageous angel who helps us to overcome any fears or worries in our path."
Jean Barker writes in The Angel Whispered: "If you need courage or confidence with any situation, or assistance with standing up for your beliefs, call upon Ariel, who will then gently but firmly guide you to be courageous and stand up for your convictions."

If you feel a sudden bit of inspiration, or courage, or strength or perhaps a special empathy for nature or its animals, it may very well be that Archangel Ariel is close by.

Here are a couple sample prayers you might use to contact Archangel Ariel.


Angels are beings of light and exist at a much higher vibration than we do in human bodies.  They are not flesh and blood so they do not have the restrictions and limitations that we experience here on earth.  They are completely dedicated to Creator, God and as such are love energy.  They never exist on this plane of consciousness, meaning they do not walk this earth as humans.  

It is believed that Guardian angels, all angels for that matter were created at the time of all creation and were created by God to act as His ethereal messengers of love, peace, protection and guidance to human kind.  At the moment of conception God assigns a Guardian angel to you as your constant companion and protector.  The term guardian angel means just that.  This angel has the assignment of watching over you 24/7 and is known as 'the one who never leaves'.  Every person has their own Guardian Angel by Divine Design, no exceptions.  Literally that moment that a soul unites with a body an angel is commissioned to watch over that soul.  You can be sure that you are never really alone.  Your angel is with you.  Your Guardian angel is with you throughout your whole life.

In the beginning God created the world that we call home.  According to Gen. 1:3, "on the first day when God made "light" the "light He made was the angels." This is confirmed when He "divided the light from the darkness."  This was in reference to the battle between the angels who were true to God and His Divine Purpose for them and those who followed Lucifer (Gen. 1:4).  You see, according to the account of creation, the sun and the moon were created on the Fourth Day!  

There is a confusion between Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.  Probably most of us do have a Spirit Guide as well as a Guardian Angel but the difference is that the angel was created by God and never walks as a human but the spirit guide did at one time walk in human form but chose to be elevated to spirit guide after death.  Both do the same for you as they both love you unconditionally, offer protection and do offer guidance.  A Spirit Guide is most likely a deceased loved one who chose to watch over you in the spiritual realm.  

Guardian Angels really don't use words to communicate with us.  They are there as images that we hold in our thoughts of them, in our feelings and our intuition about them and it is through our thoughts that we hear their messages.  It is through our emotions that we feel their loving presence and it is through our sense of well being that we know they are close and are there protecting our daily walk.

Angels can at times take on the form of being human if the circumstances require them to do so.  When they do they are not visible for long.  They complete their task and are gone as quickly as they came.  Their true form is that of a higher vibration and they are pure light energy.  If you were to look at a Spirit Guide and an angel side by side they would appear the same except the angel is a bright white light while the spirit guide is also light but not as bright.  

 Your guardian angel makes certain you are safe and guided always.  Angels are not allowed to interfere with our human will but they are always at the ready to offer words of comfort and intervene when called upon for help.  Spirit guides who are most often loved ones like parent, grandparent or beloved friends are also given instructions that they may not interfere with our choices.  Those who are empaths or have a very spiritual awareness can easily tell the difference between a spirit guide and guardian angel.  Angels have a much higher vibration.  The light of a spirit guide is more a bluish-white than a pure white.  

Animal Spirit GuidesDefinition of Animal Spirit: What is Animal Spirit? An Animal Spirit is strongly associated with the Native American Indian belief in Animism that is a belief based on the spiritual idea that the universe, and all natural objects within the universe, have souls or spirits.  An animal spirit is believed to be a supernatural power that embodies, attaches or conveys influence empowering a person with the trait of the animal. The animal spirit is also regarded as a guide who might appear in dreams in the form of an animal. An animal spirit, or spirit guide, walks through life with a person, teaching and guiding them, and in some instances protecting them. Also refer to Power Animals to find a list of the meaning and significance of different animal spirit guides.  Take a test to see what your animal guide is...

Never be hesitant to ask for angels to surround and protect your loved ones.  That is their purpose and they are waiting to be asked.  They must be invited to act on our behalf.  Ask them to surround your home, your business, your family and your friends.  Just remember to say "thank you" to them for their help.  This is not a requirement but I am quite sure they appreciate our gratitude.  

Asking your angels for help does not require a ritual or formal prayer.  A simple and sincere request, even if it is just, "Angels Help!" is really enough.  A prayer for help is really all it takes for God's messengers to be released to work on your behalf and they do come instantly.  They are not flesh and blood beings so they have no restrictions on time or space.  It does not matter what your need may be nor if you feel you deserve their help.  Helping is what they do and there is an abundance of angelic beings at the ready to help mankind.

Here is a special THANK YOU to my Guardian Angel who is my ever faithful, constant companion.  Your loving presence is appreciated!